As of 06/29/2020
A few changes in the mass schedule. For the summer, starting Monday we will cancel the Monday evening mass and we will pray the Novena to the Miraculous Medal at the morning mass. Wednesday evening and Friday evenings remain the same. There will be masses on the First Friday in the morning and evening with Novenas even though it’s the celebration of Independence Day and the offices are closed.
We have been requesting that you RSVP for masses out of an abundance of concern that people find space available in church while we have safe distancing restrictions. This weekend will be the last of the special sacramental celebrations and so we will no longer require that you call ahead to let us know you are coming in July. If one of the masses becomes closer to capacity of 25%, we will let people know what other offerings are available so that we don’t lock others out.
Let us begin with a few basics:
- The obligation to attend Sunday Liturgies has been suspended indefinitely. You can watch the liturgy online or on TV from our church and from the many broadcasts provided by the church each Sunday. You can come to one of the weekday masses as these are smaller crowds and so safer. You can wait for a better sense that the spread of the virus is truly down.
- If you are elderly or have other underlying medical conditions, then you should seriously consider the risks that you face and choose wisely
- If you are sick, asymptomatic, coughing, sneezing, running a fever, or any other thing that makes you feel poorly then please stay home in respect for others.
- If you are coming to mass, please RSVP to the office during the week so we have an idea of numbers and can advise you about better times. The doors will be closed and locked to the outside if the church is at capacity and once mass has started. Don’t be late please.
- We sanitize the church between masses, so we ask that you do not arrive any earlier than 30 minutes before mass and do not gather at the church doors. Once we are ready to let you in then we will ring the bells to invite you into the church. Please keep safe distancing – a minimum of 6 feet – between you and others not in your family/household
- You MUST wear a mask in church. It is not a political statement; it not about what others are doing. We wear masks to protect one another out of love and obligation to each other. If you will not wear a mask, please stay home. If you need a mask, we have some extras for you to use.
- When you come please bring sanitizer with you to use. We also have some available in Church as well.
- The ushers will seat you so that we can maximize seating will respecting safe distancing. Please wait to be seated. You will see that every other pew is closed to use. This allows six feet between people front and back. We will also help you find six feet distance in the pew itself. Families can sit together if they live in the same household only. Please don’t sit next to others who do not live with you.
During the liturgy please:
- Continue to wear your mask always.
- Join in the signing, praying and regular activities of the liturgies
- Please do not make contact with others at the Our Father or the Sign of Peace. Wave, bow, express yourself with distance and with love
- There is no Offertory Collection or Procession. Place your contributions into the baskets at the entrance in the main church.
- Communion is distributed by priests, deacons and ministers in the pews. We only distribute the sacred hosts in the hand. There is no share of the Blood of Christ and there is no Communion on the tongue. When the minister of communion approaches you mat stand or kneel and extend your hands while still wearing your mask. After we say the Body of Christ and you respond AMEN the minister will move on to the next person and at this point you can lower your mask and consume the Body of Christ.
- We will be wearing masks when we distribute communion to you. We will be closer than 6 feet and so we need to protect one another. Also, if you cough, sneeze, release spittle from your mouth or even your breath all have the possibilities of contaminating the ciborium and the minster. We care about each other in this way.
- We ask that you leave mass immediately and head to your car. We will use the two back side doors for exiting only. This allows us to keep people from entering the church as we do our sanitizing between masses. There are no coffee and donuts or other socializing before or after masses.
- Masses will be shorter than usual so that we can allow for time to clean and seat others at the next masses.
Mass Schedule thru July:
- Saturday Vigil in English at 4:30pm. Doors open at 4:00pm
- Saturday Vigil in Spanish at 6:15pm. Wait for the church bells to ring before you leave your cars
- Sunday Morning in English at 7:30am. Doors open at 7:00am
- Sunday Morning in Spanish at 9:00am. Wait for the church bells to ring before you leave your cars
- Sunday Morning in English at 10:30am. Wait for the church bells to ring before you leave your cars
- Sunday Morning in Spanish at 12:00pm. Wait for the church bells to ring before you leave your cars
- Sunday Evening in English at 5:00pm. Doors open at 4:30pm
*New Mass times are in BOLD print
- Daily Masses will continue at the current scheduled times through to the end of July.
- Confessions are offered after every daily mass (NOT THE WEEKEND SUNDAY MASSES). There are no Saturday afternoon confessions. You can also make an appointment during office hours.
- We will live-stream all weekday masses on Facebook. ONLY, the Saturday 4:30 Vigil, the Sunday 9:00 and 10:30 masses will be live streamed.