The Story of La Salette: Chapter 15 – La Salette Today
The message and the promotion of the growth and conversion that Mary called for a hundred and seventy-five years ago are still very pertinent to the world today. On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary Cardinal Richard Cushing of Boston commented about the ongoing reality of the apparition. He points to two basics of major appearances of Mary: she appears to young people who are open to more than their own view of the world and that she calls for penitential reform to come closer to God’s love and mercy.
The basic call is to every generation is to grow into God’s mercy. Cardinal Spellman of New York offers a centenary greeting and expresses his gratitude to the Missionaries of La Salette who also served in his Archdiocese as they did in Boston too. The praise offered is not a matter of Missionaries being proud about accomplishments and receiving deserved recognition but more importantly that they are being heard and being successful. The making the message known is a task that all who are associated with La Salette are obligated to make a part of their lives.
As the community serves in all the continents of the world (except Antarctica) we are accompanied always by others: religious brothers, priests, and sisters of La Salette, but remember, it always started with the laity. The two children, the families, employers, and parishioners of La Salette and Corps began the mission. Laity from the area and then from other countries and finally from around the world promoted the story and the mission. In our world today we will be successful only as we work together and do our best to be ambassadors of reconciliation.
Points for Discussion and Reflection:
- Mary chose youth at her apparitions to share the truth. Even at Guadalupe she had chosen an older man who was a youngster in the faith. It’s not age but it’s the openness of being childlike: trusting, daring, fidelity, and simplicity that allowed all visionaries to become missionaries. What helps you to become La Salette Laity?
Building on the success of the past can lead us to a glorious present and future. The two Cardinals in the Chapter showed how commitments to reform and penance, to changing our lives and world are basic to every age. What does La Salette say to you and your world about living the faith and building the kingdom?