Heavenly Father, we turn to you these days as we focus upon the communion of saints. We ask your comfort upon each and every one of us who have lost loved ones and entrusted them into your loving embrace.
Help us in faith to trust that you have welcomed them into our heavenly home, the new and eternal Jerusalem. May they take part in the heavenly banquet that you have prepared for all those who believe in you and your Son, and walk in his ways.
Help us Father to be inspired by the saints that lived among us or who through the centuries led heroic and holy lives. May we follow their example in the ways we treat each other and trust in you.
We pray for ourselves who miss those special people in our own lives and who continue in eternal life with you in heaven. As we pray for them and to them give us your comfort and peace.
Prepare us well in this life by your love and the love and inspiration of all the faithfully departed, to one day be joined together in heaven. May we live together forever in the Heavenly Jerusalem.