The third step of Christian initiation, the celebration of the sacraments, is followed by the final period, the period of postbaptismal catechesis or Mystagogy. (RCIA #244)
Since the distinctive spirit and power of the period of postbaptismal catechesis or mystagogy derive from the new, personal experience of the sacraments and of the community, its main setting is the so-called Masses for neophytes, that is, the Sunday Masses of the Easter season. (RCIA #247)
To close the period of postbaptismal catechesis, some sort of celebration should be held at the end of the Easter season near Pentecost Sunday. (RCIA #249)
After the immediate mystagogy or postbaptismal catechesis during the Easter season, the program for the neophytes should extend until the anniversary of Christian initiation, with at least monthly assemblies of the neophytes. (National Statutes for the Catechumenate #24)
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